
This section is to post updates from family members to help recall all the history on the explosion that we possibly can.

02/01/2023 - During the summer of 1972, I went with my dad and my two young sons to visit Aunt Elsie and Uncle Brown Winstead at their home in Walhalla, South Carolina. It was a very interesting visit and the last time that I ever saw Aunt Elsie and Uncle Brown. Aunt Elsie was Ransom and Laura’s oldest child.

“My dad’s sister, my Aunt Elsie Teaster Winstead, had very fond memories of her grandparents Harmon and Susie Teaster. Aunt Elsie was born in 1896 in North Carolina and passed away in 1997 at the age of 101 years old. When she was young, and living near Max Patch Mountain in North Carolina, she often accompanied Harmon and Susie to the saw mill where they worked and sometimes lived. There was a camp close to the saw mill where the loggers lived. For a time, Susie, worked as a cook and prepared meals for the loggers. Aunt Elsie remembered when Harmon was killed in the sawmill explosion in 1905 and said it was a very, very sad time for the whole family. She told me about this when I visited her in 1972 when she was 76 years old”. Gerald Teaster - SC PE Emeritus

02/17/2023 - the library director at Parrottsville Tennessee found the grave of George Allen Massey. Before this information was uncovered, his grave was an unknown status.